Oops Anchor Coral Broken


Salting away
I accidently knocked my anchor coral off the rocks today and when i was placing it my hand slipped and I accidently broke the anchor coral stick structure in two. One structure has 3 heads while the other one has two heads. This obviously did not make my coral happy the heads after 2 hrs are still retracted. Do you think it will survive. I hadn't used the underwater epoxy on it because I wasn't sure of the placemnt. Oh well I hope both survive because after a month it was already showing growth.

As long as only the branching part broke then there is no problem. This is the part that you would cut if you were to frag the coral. If any of the fleshy part was torn then this could be a potential problem. If not give it time it should be fine. BTW I am assuming that this is a branching hammer (Anchor)
The good news is my branching hammer is doing well. Both Frags are looking good. The main frag that I broke is now putting out two new heads. Its kind of exciting. This is going to be my first real seperate growth. Its amazing what is happening after only a month of being in the tank. Considering I am only using 2 96watt PC's. I can not wait to get my hands on my 6 bulb 39 watt T5's this weekend....I never thought i would be able to keep softies...