picked up a clam at CMAC this morning

Jays sells them that size for the same price. I bought an 7-8" squamosa for $80 at jays, and i think i will go back to get another one, maybe one of the bigger ones he had for $100.
might have to take a trip there when im on the market for another clam

Bring $100 with you, because he has some nice BIG clams. I already made space in my tank for a second one.
That same size in a Boston shop goes for over $300 (retarded)
its strange how my addictions move so quickly in this hobby. first mantis shimp then brain coral then Euphyllia corals now clams all in a matter of 2 months. i think its time i get a job. my local petco manager told me they would love to hire me but i have to be 18.:mad:
Lets not forget these guys. They were so cool
I got one of these same clams, and the first few days it was opened up fairly wide (i think) and now its just kind of doing this. Is anyone else experiencing this with theirs? If so what do i do? I put a hard epoxy base under the sand for it to attach to. I also have proper lightiong for it. So im a little confused. The gold torch coral i got from him is doing pretty awful as well. Everything else is great. Im a little discouraged. Anyway heres a pic.....thoughts?
possibly too much flow or something is picking at it. does it react if you stick your hand above it?
all i need is one answer though:) It does react when I put my hand over him. Also, where he is in the tank, there isnt that much flow. Could he still just be getting used to it?
if his mantle is flapping around it needs to be moved to a lower flow area. in the pic i see some blotchy white spots on the mantle, when i first put mine in i had him in the sand and a day or 2 later i saw a few of those and read up on it. turns out it means they either are getting too much light or not enough. i took the gamble and put it at the highest part of my rockwork and he is doing 100% better. also if it has not attached to a rock bristle worms and other things can get inside the clams foot and eat it from the inside out. try putting it on the liverock it should help
It is dying, notice the receding around the edges, thats a sure sign of it dying. Is the knuckle attached? I see cyano on your sandbed, p04 kills clams quicker than anything.. I'd suggest putting it in a container and target feeding and also getting the cyano under control.. Otherwise that clam is toast. It actually looks like its a little too late... But I'd still isolate and target feed
It doesn't look good, sorry to say that. It looks like a sign of pinch mantle which is a contagious disease. The clam will have a slow death which is sad.
It doesn't look good, sorry to say that. It looks like a sign of pinch mantle which is a contagious disease. The clam will have a slow death which is sad.

That's what I was thinking as well, but I thought there was a treatment for pinched mantle? No?
Not yet, there is no treatment for it yet, no one seems be able to isolate the pathogen(s) that causes it.
I dont know whats going on with him. Now he is out again. That algea on the sand is from me making a drastic light change recently. My Phosphate is actually quite low. My Calcium and DKH is right on too. If he is dying, will he harm anything else in my tank
It doesn't look good, sorry to say that. It looks like a sign of pinch mantle which is a contagious disease. The clam will have a slow death which is sad.

What do u mean contagious???? If it is pinched mantle, will it hurt any other things in my tank? What about an RO dip for like 20-30 mins? any thoughts?
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