Power outage

i'd offer you a back up plan but my tank is about 50 miles away. if you get into last resort, let me know and we'll figure something out collectively.
I’m going to try to stay up and aerate the tank as much as I can and keep it around 77 ( hot water still works , on gas )
Good luck. For the future you can get a jumper box for cars that has and a.c. plug which should run a smaller powerhead for a while. If I wasn't stuck working I would bring you mine.
I’m planning on doing a diy battery backup for my mp10. Space is just something I don’t have in my place
I'm in halifax..... No power and the generator decided it wasn't going to work. I wake up every hour to circulate the water to put some oxygen back in it. No way of heating the tank though. So hope we get power soon or tank is a goner
[emoji22] Chris I am sorry to hear that.

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So sorry Chris.

Those battery air pumps are loud but cheap and worthwhile. No heat, but easy aeration.
Yes, get a battery air pump. Walmart sells them for under $20 in the fishing dept. When I bought mine it was attached to a lid that fits a five gallon bucket. Works great.
it's good that I did not loose power.
man, not sure what I would do to the tank other than to let it sit and let everything die if we were to loose power.
My cirsumstances would not allow me to do anything other than need to take care my 3 little young children and the handicapped wife first. Tank is the last think I would think of if we were to loose power especially in the winter
My power has been out for over 12 hours here in RI. I have a generator that I converted to natural gas, no having to fill the tank. Before I had that, I used a battery powered air pump and when we had a blizzard a few years back and we lost power for over 24 hours. I put the air pump in the tank, wrapped the tank and covered to top; expected the worst when I unwrapped the tank, didn't lose a thing. Even though I have a generator, I still keep the air pump on hand, you just never know in this hobby.
Well I lost 5 fish so far , 1 of the clowns was on the ground breathing heavily and a bangahi is hiding. Other than that seams ok. Just got power back. Temp is 71 and I put some poly-filter in the media chamber to get rid of any ammonia build up
Well I lost 5 fish so far , 1 of the clowns was on the ground breathing heavily and a bangahi is hiding. Other than that seams ok. Just got power back. Temp is 71 and I put some poly-filter in the media chamber to get rid of any ammonia build up

Sorry about your loss Chris this stinks!

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