Ques. (Question of the Day?)-Coral Dipping

Both versions exist currently depending on where you can buy it. You still can buy the 1-chemical formula in Lowe
Im assuming you prefer the 2 chemical formula? Is there a reason you normally dip LPS in iodine and FWE and not Bayer?
This conversation is right up my alley.. I have both Bayer formulas and have (stupidly) tried dipping in both of them - the "original" 2 part formula and the "new" formula. I started with the new formulation simply because I *thought* I read on R2R that it was an acceptable substitute. I was wrong.

I had experienced approximately 75-80% acro mortality in my first two round of dips, which I attributed to other things since these were the first acros I tried to keep/acclimate. After the second failure, I decided, out of curiosity, what would happen if I went back to the original formulation of Bayer. I doubted it would make a difference. So I had my in-laws bring some up from Virginia and I dipped two green slimer frags from the same supplier, at two different concentrations. Both survived with "flying colors". The difference was night and day. Even the acros that survived the "new Bayer" dip were set back quite a bit, and are still recovering to this day.

Interestingly, almost NONE of my LPS seemed affected by the new Bayer dip (?weird).

One of the things I assumed, and some people say, is that one of the ingredients is the same. That is NOT true. B-Cyfluthrin is NOT the same as Cyfluthrin. There is indeed a difference. Of course, I only discovered this recently when deciding if I should try "original formulation" instead.

Here are the two bottles.. NO and YES. You can identify them by their ingredients (original safe formula has two ingredients and is labeled 2 way formula).


And a close up of the ingredients.


Now, I am not sure if some people have had some level of success with the new formula, maybe it was with LPS (mine didnt seem to mind it), but it very clearly trashed my acros. Thankfully these were mostly 'tester' frags that I was getting to see if my dipping was correct, but the difference was night and day.

Anyway, I hope this helps someone.

I couldn't believe the difference myself.
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