Question on Drilling AGA 29 gallon


Right now i have a nice 125 gallon that i am happy with...BUT...and there's always a but...I am most likely going to a medical school out of state and even if i stay in the state, i'm going to be soo busy i'm not sure i'll be able to take care and pay for a 125 gallon. When i first started 4-5 years ago, i started with a 29 gallon AGA...where i will probably be back to. When i had it, i didn't try drilling it to make it reef ready, didn't run a skimmer, and didn't have the equipment i should have. Know that i have more knowledge about the hobby, i was wondering if anyone knows how or where i could get an AGA 29 gallon drilled...OR if it's tempered glass where i can't even do it. I'm looking to do a DIY overflow like the ones that go only half way down the back of the tank...but my main issue is if anyone know if it can be drilled or not. I did a search for AGA 29 gallon but couldn't find any info. Does anyone know?