Recap - Suggested forum posting etiquette

Flame Angel

Past BRS Pres/2016MOD
Staff member
Content is from the BRS Reef Talk Announcements. (Originally Posted by Greg Hiller).

Thought I would may repost some of these due to recent content questions. You may find more information on this topic at the below link. I will try to do this and bring certain points of the forum to your attention every couple of weeks to avoid possible future issue or miss understanding. Thank you for your time and remember we are all on the same team here.

If a thread or post disappears, please know that it was removed for one or more of the following reasons:

a) at the request of the poster/thread starter (though there has to be a very good reason to do so)
b) violation(s) of the UA or other BRS rules/guidelines
c) threat of legal action

Be nice to moderators:

The BRS forum has grown to a very large size, and continues to grow. Its purpose is still to serve the members of the Boston Reefers' Society. The moderators on the forum are not compensated, the work load is high, and the criticism intense. The tolerance level with problematic forum members has traditionally been extraordinarily high, but it is dropping, meaning that in the future if you are causing problems there is a good chance you will receive a temporary suspension from the forum. Repeatedly abusing or disrespecting moderators is sufficient grounds for a suspension.

Regarding Members from other Regional Clubs: The BOD Can be reached by clicking on the "About" Tab and emailing -

If you are interested in posting about an upcoming meeting, or major event that your club is hosting, please run it by an officer or BOD member of the BRS before you post on our forum. We are a friendly group and all, but if your event directly conflicts with one of our scheduled events, we reserve the right NOT to publicize Your event on Our forum. There may also be reasons that the timing of such a posting might be important so as not to confuse members about upcoming BRS events. Again, check with us first.