Regal Angel Fish Feeding


I bought this guy from Jays... as well as alot of other stuff. I need to figure out if this guy will ever eat. Any recommendations on how to get this guy to eat? I have frozen mysis shrimp, green and red nori, pellets and other foods.
He has been in the tank now for 24 hours. I did notice he has been picking at the walls and the live rock.
He is in a 220 gallon tank set up for 2 years. 3 400w halides 2 160w VHO
Euro Skimmer and cal reactor, 75 gallon fuge. other species 2 clowns (Nemos) Green dragonett, Foxface, 5 green chromes.

I have an adult Koran Angel that when first bought as a juvenile took over a week to accept food. Same thing with my Naso Tang.
My Majestic was pretty finicky at first. He'd eat mysis and brine, but not all that well. I don't know whether this will work. But since trying New Life Spectrum Marine sinking pellets, soaked in Kent's Extreme Garlic, he's been a voracious eater.
Regals are well known for dying from not eating when you get them. It seems to be partially luck since some eat well and others just refuse to. Is it a red sea regal or a pacific? (yellow or grey belly). The red sea ones have a better reputation. At 24 hours I wouldn't fret too much, especially if you saw it eat frozen in the store. They are really shy, skittish fish usually. If it still isn't eating in a day try some live brine just to get a feeding response.
Thanks for the reply

I didnt see it eat at the store. Forgot to mention that it is a red sea.
Wish me luck on this.
Can you post a pic? I can tell you if it is a male or female and sometimes you can see how much fat the fish has stored up and how likely it is to turn around.
It was hard to get a clear picture. very shy when I go near the tank. After waiting to try to get the best picture I did notice that the regal was picking at the live rock, down in the sand, and on the sides of the aquarium.
I'm pretty sure that she is an adult female. Her colors look stressed, but her body looks good (although it is always hard to tell from a picture). I would wager she has eaten since being pulled out of the ocean, so you have a good chance with her. I would feed a little bit pretty often so there is food around the ground for her to pick at. She might even be eating but is too shy with you around.
Clams on the half-shell. Worked before with my regals when I first got them and other picky eaters.

I use little cherry stones, split them and throw them in.
She is now eating... I went out and bought about $80.00 of food and she is now eating the frozen bring with 2 drops of garlic..

Thanks for the advice.
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