removing some rock


Viking Corals
BRS Member
Okay so I want to make more space on my sand bed and the best way for me to do so is by removing some rock. I'm worried about by me removing the said rocks I will cause a problem in my tank. I just finally got everything perfect, corals are growing, they are coloring up nicely. Do you think there will be any problems at all? The rock I would be removing is maybe 2-3 lbs but it is buried a little bit under the sand. Let me know what you guys think.
How low is it if there are any air bubbles under it that could cause some bad toxins or just storing some nitrates and phosphate I'm sure it wont totally destroy your tank just mabye a set back or small spike that's all(this is the worst scenario btw)
Removing 2-3 lbs of rock shouldn’t be a problem in a larger system. How big is your tank? Age? Can you take smaller amounts of rock out at a time? Slow and steady. Nothing happens good happens fast
I wouldn't worry about it either. I removed all my rocks in my 25 gallon cube (probably 20-30 lbs) and replaced them with new live rock all without anything more than a cloudy tank for a day or two. I also wouldn't be worried about the air bubbles being trapped the rocks are porous enough they shouldn't trap any air bubbles and even if they did they would just float to the top and be released quickly...
Maybe poke around your sand bed a bit before hand. Stir it near the rocks a bit at a time so it’s all loosened up before the move?
I don't think it is a big deal, but I run 100% of my sump flow through Marinepure spheres (2 boxes between downflow section of my DIY sump. If you are concerned, is there any possibility to put the removed rock in your sump
I think if there was a lot of toxic buildup in your sand, your corals would already be suffering least a little. Since they currently are doing well, I think your sand is probably fine, and exposing some new sand surface won't make any difference.
I would not sweat it one bit. Removing a small amount is not going to do anything in a healthy tank. Assuming you don't have a 6" + deep sand bed.
Dont think you will have a problem with the sand bed again assuming your tanks more than 10 gallons..... do you run a sump that you can throw the rocks in? And slowly remove as to not lose the benefits of the love Rock all at once..
Didn't you just set the tank up a few months ago. Taking out a little rock will be fine.
Didn't you just set the tank up a few months ago. Taking out a little rock will be fine.

yea i did start it in January. i will remove the rocks and place them in the sump. i was just worried the sand was going to release something. but you guys relieved my anxiety. thank you all that replied
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