Sarcastic reef dictionary


Acro Garden, BRS Sponsor
BRS Sponsor
BRS Member
Just for your amusement:

Tunze flow: for newer (ball shape) tunze pumps, well suit for pulsing xenia right in front of the powerhead. The old style pumps are totally different beasts.
Eco noise: the noise mp pumps generate that can be used for a substitution of water boarding
Maxi-impellers: For Marineland maxi jet that require frequent replacement of impeller (newer ones only)
Push-me-back Koralia: Broken pin on the cap that lead to reverse flow
Stealth cooker: Marinland Stealth heater for making reef stew
Reef-safe Nori: Repackaged nori so that your tang can think they are NOT eating those cheap stuff sold in China town

Bonus new use of zip-tie:
To secure the caps of newer style Tunze pumps
Real Reef Rock: Totally not real rocks that have never been anywhere near a reef, just painted purple
Purple up: expensive sand in a bottle
Marc Weiss: Marc Weiss
Emperor's new lens: 120 degree lens "found" on LED fixture
Corallife super skimmer: not very super at all
Kick Ick: kicks nothing except $ from your wallet
Brightwell products: Kent products with better stickers and bigger prices (and the occasional BW exclusive that's impossible, ie kalk + 2)
Turbo snail: Well they are pretty quick for snails
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kryptonite: A highly desirable color of coral especially placed right next to Superman monti.
Blue Cloves: A type of pest that many people want to have
Swing-arm hydrometer: A piece of plastic to look at while guessing your salinity.
Sump: An area to hold that sketchy looking hitchhiker while researching it.
HOB overflow: A fancy way of watering your carpet.
mag float: Sand collection device. Convenient and waterproof substitute for 24 grit sandpaper. Used to "refinish" acrylic that is too clear.

LED: Look, Everything's Dying! (just kidding - I am a LED nut myself)
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phyto feast: colored phosphate in a bottle
2. A blend of unknown algae in a bottle which does not require refrigeration to aid its decomposition.
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Power compact lighting: Bulky, not very powerful florescent lights
Ecoaqualizer: PVC pipe full of magnets and electrical tape that does nothing
Low PH in saltwater: paranoid reefkeeper (or Co2)
Squid wavemaker: PVC T that used to be a wave maker (OK, it's actually ABS but you get the point)
Purple Tang: A fish that mimic its keeper's facial color when it is munching on the most expensive designer brain coral.
phyto feast: green colored phosphate in a bottle

Phyto Feast: A blend of unknown algae in a bottle which does not require refrigeration to aid its decomposition.
fish room: 1.a hot humid room in the home used to poor large quantities of water onto the floor.
2. a room in the home used to store every piece of plastic junk, Styrofoam cooler, and lenght vinyl tubing one has ever acquired.