Sea Cucumber split


I have had this Pink and Black Sea Cucumber for almost three years now. About three weeks ago I noticed it up at the top curled up and looking odd. I knew the dangers so was thinking about pulling it but it was stuck to the side and still seemed quite solid so I left it.
It disappeared for almost two weeks and I was getting nervous when all of a sudden there was a Pink and Black Sea cucumber but only like 2 inches long and then this week I see another one about 2 inches long as well, so apparently it split. The original was about 8 inches so not sure if I will find more segments, how freaky is that.

My only concern now is they are not on the sandbed and not acting like the original that was always eating dirty sand and pooping out perfectly clean sand pellets. I am thinking it needs to form the mouths and exit end first but how long do I wait. Is it worth the risk to keep waiting. Anyone ever have this happen? I have googled it and found it happens, They can reproduce Asexually by splitting when conditions are right, though rarely but no details beyond that.

One of the 2" segments
My Tiger Tail cucumber has done this before, had about a 2inch split and the original was 3-4 inch. Traded in the split but they both began started acting normal before that. its a Different type of cucumber but id imagine yours will come around.
Cool my tiger tail split about a year ago. It was huge, about 15". Haven't seen it for a while one day I noticed one end in one corner of the 120 and another end on the opposite side of the tank in the middle which would have made it about 2 feet long. The next day I could see that there were now two separate ones.
Glad to hear no horror stories at least, guess I will let nature take its course, hope for the best and see what happens.
Yeah mine use to split all the time. They are cool to have in a tank to do a nice job keeping the top layer clean. I have one in The QT tank now that’s about ready to go into the DT