seahare question

I had one in my 30 when I was first starting out in the hobby. It lasted about 6 months. Then one day it was upside down and covered in nassarius snails. For what it's worth, it did a good job on algae while I had it.
Helpful and very effective for green filamentous algae. Very vunerable to predation, shrimps, most fish and some corals will even try to get a piece of them (I found mine partially digested by my fungia plate coral).
I had a dwarf for awhile. They don't seem to last very long but did a great job while he was around.

Kinda cute too.
I have had both the large and dwarf type and they do the best job on all green algea IMO....but the longest I had one was about 8 months
i just bought one to help out in my dads 90. seems to chowing down like crazy but ive heard the same about their lifespan. They dont seem to last long (few months).
mine is about 6 months old, and has dome a great job....but I haven't seen it in a couple of weeks, so who knows.....
Chris off the beaten path a little, but You can always try a Multicolor Globe Urchin. They are hairy alage monsters.

I had one of those and I think it lasted about a week or two and never touch the HA.
Cute little urchins...especially when they are wearign your zoos or whatever else they can find and stick on themselves! If you don't mind that or that they are a little clumsy with mknocking corals over-they are great tank cleaners!