Tank Choice for mixed reef ~120gal


I'm sure this sounds like a scratched record (for those of us old enough to know what one is)... a lot to chew on here. Any opinions are most welcome!

I am looking for a decent 120gal tank (4' or 6') for a mixed reef set up. I have looked at the AGA, Oceanic, and Glasscages models. I'd like a few opinions, which I am sure are varied... to help with my decision.

I could hunt for a used one, but I'd really like something with Starphire on the front panel at least.

Glasscages was interesting in that I could get 3 sides with Starphire. Not a requirement by any means, but a nicety. I am just of this mindset that if I get the tank new, I am ensured the tank is water tight vs used. Maybe a false sense of security.. I know. I have read that Glasscages can be a tad more sloppy with the silicone compared to others. True?

I have a 48" 2x250wHQI 2x54wT5Actinic light already. Would this length be inadequate for a 6' tank?

I am aiming for a bottom drilled overflow, though I am ok with going with a HOB overflow if it is of quality.

I see MOST of the commercial tanks in the 120gal range all have a single ~600gal/hour rated overflows. Is this adequate? I'll have plenty of powerheads. The overflow will go down to a sump/fuge/skimmer in the basement. Using a MagDrive 18 for return. Considering the distance, I may be able to get up to 850 gal/hr on the return for the head height if the ball valve is open wide (if my measurements are right).

So in summary my main points of focus:

-4' vs 6' tank - for a 48" HQI fixture ok? (fixture to be hung most likely)
-Overflow flow rate, type thoughts.
-Good, yet affordable tank choice. Local?
1) a 48" fixture ain't gonna do it for a mixed reef on a 6 foot tank
2) don't compromise on an HOB overflow. They will flood eventually
3) glass cages makes a decent tank. You're going to end up spending a fair amount for a new tank, regardless of which way you go. The one I have doesn't have terrible seams, and they are actually better than the AGA92 tank I have.
I have a six foot tank a 48" light will leave the sides very dim. Having a six foot tank is great though I like it alot better than when I had a four foot tank.
Yeah 1' on each side would be without a light. Might be odd looking to supplement with an additional light on each end to make up for it. But that option may work.
I'm setting up a 6' 125 that has a 4' light. It may be darker on the sides but not dark and this may be a good thing yet. I'd go RR with as big a drain they can drill. 1" will get you 600 gph but 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 would be nice not worry about overflow.