Tonight @7P on Rappin' - Dr. Eli Meyer, AquaBiomics/Dr. Andrew Bouwma, Science Educator/Hobbyist

Added to Calendar: 04-23-24


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Join me tonight at 7P EST for my chat with Dr. Eli Meyer from AquaBiomics and Dr. Andrew Bouwma, a science educator and hobbyist.

Eli is a coral biologist and aquarium hobbyist and he owns AquaBiomics. AquaBiomics can analyze the microbiome of an aquarium using DNA sequencing. So they can diagnose issues & identify strategies for promoting a healthy microbiome.

Andy has a Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has published research on tropical ecology and science education. For the last 16 years, Andy has focused on teaching a variety of university courses in biology and conservation. Andy has kept aquariums for his whole life but started focusing on saltwater about 12 years ago. Andy currently maintains several systems with a focus on Acropora and Goniopora. Andy is also a power user of the Aquabiomics service and has a lot of data on his tanks.
