Vodka dosing


I was wondering if anyone out there that doses vodka has a sump with cheato in it or does the vodka doing removes all the nitrates and phosphates that the cheato lives on?
It may be possible to keep cheato alive, but may require dosing iron or even nitrate. It depends how effective the vodka is in your system. However, I got long of macro algae in my refugium a long time ago... Just wasn't worth the extra effort, carbon dosing is very powerful by itself.
I dose carbon and have chaeto in the fuge. It definitely doesn't grow that fast, but I still have to prune it back every once in a while. Heck, it's one more place for micro-fauna to live and it gives me some photosynthesis at night since the light is reverse-schedule with the display tank lights. Good enough for me!
Wow, I'm impressed you can grow cheato with vodka! You must feed a lot :) Good point on the micro-fauna. Also, for pH balancing, do you actually see an effect? The amount of CO2 consumed should be proportional to the nutrients used. So, if nutrients are low and growth slow, there shouldn't be much of an effect on pH. I agree there are a lot of variables and it likely depends on the system though.
Yeah well it grows slowly, but perhaps that is a sign I'm not dosing at a high enough level. LOL.

As far as the pH effect, I can't really answer that. I'd have to take the refugium out of the loop and compare graphs from my Apex. Hmm which would actually be kind of interesting. I can say pH does drop at night. Even before I dosed vodka it did, so whatever the impact it's certainly not enough to supply the entire water volume/bioload.
Hey! How much of this Vodka do I drink before my tank gets better?

7 SHOTS it took 7 shots for my tank to start looking clearer. It took 10 shots for my coral to grow in front of my eyes. Then it took 12 shots for me to pass out.... lol:p
7 SHOTS it took 7 shots for my tank to start looking clearer. It took 10 shots for my coral to grow in front of my eyes. Then it took 12 shots for me to pass out.... lol:p

That sounds reasonable. Results can vary by tank though, it's not an exact science :p
Here is the stuff

I found this under my sink, brand new, I don't know how long its been sitting there for but I am having a drink tonight to test it.


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