What are some fast growing, easy to care for, most importantly COLORFUL SPS?


Hey guys,

I know that the general answer is Digitatas, Monti Caps, etc...

What about some of the 'designer' (for lack of a better term) corals like superman montis, etc. Some of these are highly colorful compared to some of the stuff I have right now.

My tank is quite empty right now and I'm looking for some nice and colorful and fast growing stony corals!

Honestly a lot of the fast growing "begginer" corals are very brightly colored. Slimer and orange cap come to mind. If your looking for something that grows fast most of the caps grow like weeds. Idahoe Grape being a great example. For me the encrusting corals usually start out slow but once they reach a certain size they take of.
BINGO Idaho Grape, keep an eye out for my Monti Cap time laps photo growth sequence. Its gonna be a while but it will blow your mind.