What is the best info you have received from a fellow BRS Member


Current BRS Vice President
BRS Member
Mine was to slow down and don’t try to rush things as it will not end well. I was so excited to have a saltwater aquarium which was my first aquarium ever, and I wanted it to be like all of the mature ones I saw when doing research :)
I think the best thing I've been told is, have a solid plan and know where you want to end up. My very first tank I did a lot of things backwards, lots of guessing and rushed. It ended up being a nice tank. But probably took twice as long as it should have.
Hmmmm, tough question to answer as I've received a ton of info from various members. Probably the best of the best advice was to always remain teachable. There are many different ways to keep and maintain a reef aquarium.
Another goo d one is to K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid.
Like @BiGGiePauls33 Ive learned a lot from many people and one thing is hard to pin down. I will say the best advice I followed regarding husbandry was to stop using mechanical filtration. Wow, not changing out and washing dozens of filter socks, really changed my life! It also had zero negative consequences which makes it that much better.
A lot. And while the "go slow," and "don't get hung up on the latest/greatest" advice is prominent all over the internet, it carries a whole lot more weight when you're standing in someone's home looking at their ~15 year old system that is somehow thriving with equipment and and approach that they've been using for decades. More than anything, I've learned not to panic and not to overthink things from members of this group.