What's Old is New Again


Hi Boston Reefers. I’m an old guy, but new to your site.

I started out with freshwater when I was around 7 years old. Blah, blah, blah….and eventually discovered saltwater about seven years ago. I have a 90 gallon, five foot custom tank, with a 40B sump, with the DT containing a little bit of everything. In addition, I’m in the process of setting up a JBJ 28.

I’m not a photographer and only have a point-n-shoot camera, but here’s my tank:

Nice--how long have you had your blue jaw?

Wow! Maybe it’s my little netbook, but I had to go back and look at the photo for about a minute before I saw the blue throat.

I originally had both a male and female….over three years ago. Unfortunately I put a neon velvet damsel in the tank a couple years ago. It chased the female until she jumped. The damsel has since been removed and put into a witness protect program. So I now only have the male….and he’s a bit of a bully. I’d like to re-introduce another female, but have been told that it is not advised.