Who has 17000$$$$???

mopecula said:
I just saw that and I would have to agree a scam for sure.
I guess your right! It is pretty easy to get a few thousand people involved in your scam and not get caught, if you've been selling sence 1998. like he has. :rolleyes: some peoples kids?
smcnally said:
did anyone notice 2 of their pics were from a website? www.jendub.com
Yeah, not to belabour that this was clearly a scam, but that site belongs to a woman jen who goes by jendub on reefer message boards. She propogates these type of corals, and for much less than $17,000.

WHat I thought was the most telling was the shipping $300, shipping insurance $2.00 (and optional)

Someone wasnt doing their research. Insurance is much more than that.

And really, something like this would go for a couple grand. Who doesnt have time to frag some corals and sell them for "the $75K theyre worth" and take a 70K loss?
FWIW, where else would you find a nich society where there is a real chance that someone might shell out an enormous amount of money for a pretty picture stolen from a website? It sort of makes sense, a lot of reefers do have a lot of cash (not me) and will pay super crazy prices for something truely exceptional or rare (or possibly a scam like this one).
I'll be buying this with my 17,000...
