Young yellow tang found stuck to power head


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BRS Member
I’m pretty shaken right now.
Came home from work to find my young yellow tang stuck to my jebao powerhead.
I immediately cut the power and got the tang off. The body is curved (due to the suction) and it’s breathing quite rapidly. but the pectoral fins are moving, and the color is not too bad. I was able to put it in a dark corner of the tank in a small container with a bunch of holes.
I got it as a baby from biota, and it was doing great. Great color, eating, swimming, picking algae. My guess is it went to get some algae off the powerhead and because it’s so small got sucked in.
i’m hoping by some miracle of this fish pulls through.
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Good luck chief. I hope it pulls through for you. I hate when that happens. It happened to me with a golden midas. But he was to far gone to save before I noticed
That happened to me once. It survived for a day or two, but was weak, and eventually it swam too close to an anemone. Keep it protected until it's good and strong, and try to find something to put on the powerhead so it doesn't happen again. I actually had the extra part. I just didn't like the way it looked. Lesson learned the hard way.
These companies are shipping these things out way too small in my opinion. I got an aiptasia eating filefish from Biota and it was the size of a dime. That can’t bode well for the longevity of the fish being that young subjected to shipping and environmental changes…
Man! That stinks. Sorry to see this. One thing about this hobby is that there’s always something to learn. Who would of thought? Hope you have better luck next time.