aiptasia has taken over tank...

How big is your tank? a bunch of peppermint shrimp did the job when I had a problem. You could also look into getting an aiptasia eating nudi. There are also fish that will take care of them if you have a big enough tank.
I have a 46 bow.... I have a fire cleaner shrimp and a pistol shrimp.. will the peppermint work even if the aiptasia is real bad?
I had aiptasia on almost all the rocks, frag plugs and clams in my tank as well as on the glass at one point. I put 3 peppermint shrimp in and they were gone in a week or two completely. I have a 90 gallon and they cleaned it right up.
Google aiptasia zapper. I haven't used it myself but it looks like a fun toy. I would just be afraid of putting electricity in saltwater :eek:
What kind of fish do you have in there? If its nothing too aggressive you could try a Copperband Butterfly. They're hard to keep, but mine has eaten all the aptasia in the tank. Haven't seen any since I got him.