Black ich (flat worms)


____LifeLongLearner____ BRS BoD
BRS Member
I picked up some yellow tangs at Reefapolooza for a bargain knowing they had these black dots (kind of like ich but black). I read up on it and they seem to be tiny black worms that’ll go into my bedding and reproduce if I put the fish in my display.

The fish are eating and very healthy looking otherwise and they’re chilling in a quarantine. I did a freshwater dip and added a little copper to the water. I have some flatworm exit that I plan to use, but I’m wondering if anyone’s dealt with this and knows what’s the best course of action.

Any insight helps!

Thanks in advance

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My yellow tang had it about 8 years ago when I first purchased it. I used Prazipro to treat

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