Brainstorm: how to save a few bucks on this hobby

So many ways to save money, here's a few off the top of my head:
* Get out of the hobby now, not later
* Homebrew (2-part DIY Ca/Alk) a really sweet system with a dosing pump, no effort, perfect results.
* Trade for frags
* Use fans not chillers
* Buy used equipment....nearly everything can be found used. so many people actually take my advice #1 (just don't buy old, used-up MH bulbs)
* Listen to local Vets
* Use the BRS sponsors
I also am pretty careful not to waste my time/money with tests that are not required, HOWEVER....if you have a tank with a lot of fast growing corals (and particularly if you have strong lighting) you DO need to test for alkalinity (I recommend once/week), calcium (once per month), and magnesium (once per two months unless you are doing lots of water changes). If you know how your tank 'runs' for these parameters you can test less often. These parameters can get out of balance over time. If you are using a balanced method of addition of calcium and alkalinity such as kalkwasser, calcium reactor, or two part supplement, then the imbalance will not occur quickly, but it can occur. FWIW, you can make your own alkalinity test kit reagent (we gave them out free at a club meeting a few months ago). For calcium I use the Hach test kit and dilute the sample to 1/7th normal conc., costs very little to use if you do it this way. I also use the Hach kit for Mg, but you might want to dilute your sample even more to save on reagent use.
Easilly the biggest money saver is JOING THE BOSTON REEFER SOCIETY. Now that I am down here in North Carolina, I am missing out on all those great tank sales, frag swaps, group buys, karl tank mooching and of course the natural salt water.

Plus BRS folks are uber cool. And generally Pats fans. All I can find around here are Jake Delhomme fans.

You guys n gals HAVE it good........ (I bet you make Hawaiians jealous)
Dowflake or Peladow

Anyone know where I can buy Dowflake locally at this time of the year, even if I need to do a little roadtrip...

Also, has anyone used Peladow as a substitute for dowflake, as near as I can tell, it contains a higher percentage of calcium cloride and is pelletized.

If so, how did you modify the DIY 2-part reciepe?

The dowflake is approved for aquarium use only because of the testing that was done by Randy H-F. Anything else is taking a chance with your tank.
Been using it to supplement my kalwasser drip for about a month or so...been great!! Needed some hand holding in the beginning from Randy H-F to bump my calcium up from 300 to 450 but now its there and holding steady.
Lots of good advice here. I remember there used to be a web site with info on exactly this topic. Someone should append everything together in a nice readable format when all is said and done. I especially agree with the start big concept. I started on a 29, got a 55, and now am looking on a 75. The only reason why I won't go bigger is because of electricity and floor support concerns.

I like the digital thermometer thing.. temperature stability is what counts more than correct temperature anyway.. unless you live at the fringe like me at 85F

Most people don't think about this: but consider noise levels too. My tank makes a tiny bit of noise, mostly from the air pump that drives my HOT PM skimmer. It's not too bad, but if you add a fan, another CPR backpak, it can get loud fast. Not a save money trick, but something to keep in mind.

Also, what about the Home Depot spotlight + single compact flourescent bulb daylight for refugium?
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June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
