Gigantea, magnifica and other difficult anemones

It didn't do much after the cut. I used scissors for most of the cut, then finished off with a razor to get the bottom bit. It was a fast operation and the anemone just contracted to bring the two edges together on each half. Other times I have cut magnificas they have taken a week to a month to heal the cut and then a few weeks after that to grow a new mouth. That is a lot slower than a BTA does it.

This guy had about trippled in size since I got it with really heavy feeding. It was in a good position for the cut I figured it was time.
Very Gutsy Cindy, nice job for sure. It looks like the nem took the cutting just fine.

Anytime you want to come attack my giant..... overgrown..... will not split for anything LTA you are more than welcome to. ;) :D
> I still can't believe I just did this.< was all my prompting the night before. I think you really want Gustavo's anemone out, and yours in my tank. :D
Is everything still looking good?
Nothing is looking infected yet, but nothing is healing up yet either. It is a little like getting a deep cut on your arm and looking at it every hour wondering if it is better yet. If things are going wrong you can tell (the tissue around your cut turns red and a line starts traveling up your arm), but if things are healing well, there isn't much to see (except for the inside of yur arm). :D
They are looking good. The cuts have not really healed yet, but the tissue there is changing. It doesn't look like stomach tissue now and there is none of the lacy interior tissue hanging out any more. It is hard to see what exactly is going on, but the healing seems to be progressing well. You have to be a lot more patient with these than with bubbletips.
Update: The cuts have healed very nicely and the mouths are migrating to the center on both anemones. They have both lost a little bit of size in the process, but I will try feeding them tomorrow and see if they can eat. I plan on feeding and cutting to see if I can make a large number of them for a species dominated tank.
Here are two pictures of the cut when I made it


So this is today. The purpleish pink line is where the two edges healed together.
Here is one of them eating a shrimp today. They are a lot slower at eating now but it seems like they will keep it down.

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