Has anybody seen clowns like this.!


FE9A512D-1900-44E4-8FFC-036A58ED18DF.jpeg would love to pick one up.
Petco in Medford the other day had a pair exactly like this. I believe they were calling them onyx gladiator clowns or just gladiator clowns
These are Onyx Clownfish, you can ask your LFS to order one from C-quest for you if they have an account with C-quest.
I have a breeding pair of the Onxy Picasso version, they lay eggs like clockwork but I am not setup to breed clownfish.
Might be sold as black onyx... Apparently the black takes a while to develop....or doesn't. And apparently there is a stupidly high cull/mortality rate... Maybe someone who breeds them can confirm. They are stunning!
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