Hello, PPL


Hi, my name is Jason and I've finally decided to build a nano reef. Although I've never built a real nano reef per-se, as a child I used to collect animals from the seashore and keep them in an aquarium. I've also, over a decade, kept various fish, ranging from the basic "community tank" to Amazon-themed tanks and cichlid tanks. Currently I have a hybrid yellow lab, and I've had him for three years now. I've just started up my nano reef today officially: I've poured in live sand and even live water (premixed salt water with bacteria).

Anyway, I'm quite excited with this new hobby, and I hope I'll be joining BRS for real sometime and get to know you in person.

- Jason

PS - I use the name "L33T" on this forum because one of my biggest interests is in computers (modding, overclocking, and extreme cooling).
Hi L33T,


to the Boston Reefers' forums!
Welcome to the BRS. you are a lot like my BF. he loves computers and always has to mod things. :D
Hey guys, thanks for the welcome ^__^

bonz said:
Hey L33T! (what, was L337 taken? )

Haha... I simply picked L33T when I went on my first forum (XoxideForums)

qwank said:
welcome. lots of friendly people here. what size nono do you have?

I've got an AGA 5.5g. Right now it has various mushrooms and some other corals too.

davidgallant said:
Welcome. Are you a linux kiddie too?

hahaha naah. I love Vista =D
Hehehe maybe ^__-

Well, I suppose it's time for an update, pertinent to my nano reef (5.5g AGA)

It's 5/31 today... let's go back a few days:

5/25 - Added sea water (Nutri Seawater) and LS
5/26 - [pH 7.8 | Ammonia 0 | NO2- 0 | NO3- 0] Went to MA (Rob's place -- from this forum) to get some LR covered w/ some corals; noticed some hitchhikers, including two shrimp, a ton of bristleworms, and a mini seastar; corals included red(orange?) mushrooms, blue mushrooms, a candy cane, and a few others...
5/27 - [pH 7.8 | Ammonia 0.25 | NO2- 0 | NO3- 0] Partial water change (< 1/2 g, since this is such a small tank); 1/2 tsp Ammo-Lock2; small addition of pH 7.8
5/28 - [pH 7.8 | Ammonia 0.5 | NO2- 0 | NO3- 0] 1/2 tsp Ammo-Lock2; 5mL Stress Zyme
5/29 - [pH 7.8 | Ammonia 2.0 | NO2- 0.25 | NO3- 0] 1mL Stress Zyme, few drops of Ammo-Lock2, 10mL BioSpira
5/30 - [pH 7.8 | Ammonia 1.0 | NO2- 0.5 | NO3- 0]
5/31 - [pH 7.8 | Ammonia 2.0 | NO2- 2 | NO3- 0] 7mL BioSpira

Well, doing this Nano Reef thing has reminded me how much of a difficult time I have with reading color charts beyond the first two colors... Is there a strategy that you guys use that I'm missing?
Well, doing this Nano Reef thing has reminded me how much of a difficult time I have with reading color charts beyond the first two colors... Is there a strategy that you guys use that I'm missing?

Yup, the strategy is not to use those kind of test kits:) Try Sailfert, Elos, and I like Tropic Marin for ALK.
The kind of test kits you want for everything are "titration" tests, where you add a reagent a bit at a time until the color suddenly changes (like from pink to blue) and the amount of the reagent you added before the color changed tells you what your test result is.

The color gradient kits, where you mix everything up, wait a minute, then compare it to a color chart are not as useful or accurate.
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