I killed them all.


My wife asked me if I was going to post what happened. I told her no way, because I didn't want to look like a complete moron for what I've done. Than she said: "What if you could avoid the same thing from happening to someone else?" So, here is the story: When I moved in the summer and moved my tank to the new house, I forgot to put the heater back in the sump. The chiller was working good and the temperature was in check. Even after the summer was gone, we kept the house aways nice and warm for the dog. Temperature was always good. Then, it was time for a vacation. I checked the parameters. Everything was spot on. Since the dog was going to stay at my parent's house, we turned the heater off and left. It didn't even cross my mind that the tank was without an aquarium heater. On the next day, my mother went to my house to feed my fishes and corals, only to find everything dead. The house thermostat was showing 50 degrees and my friends froze to death. On the top of the pain of loosing the animals that I loved so much, I need to deal with the reality that I killed them by not doing a proper pre-vacation check of my thank. What a moron!!!
WOW!, OMG!, WOW!, you must have been devistated.

You can really see the difference in the "I hate to say it", black and white photo... (that really is not black and white).

That was like watching my life flash in front of my eyes.
That's harsh man. Hopefully this is a good reminder to everyone that something so small like forgetting a heater or even have one burn out can be catastrophic
Thanks for sharing

Sorry for your loss, that is terrible. Thank you for sharing, your
Not a moron just human. Unfortunately we all make mistakes
And take things for granted like making sure the heater is plugged in.
Wow so sorry! Sad to see this shortly after I just commented on how awesome your rockwall looked. :( jc.. what temp do you keep your house at normally that it was capable of keeping the tank up to temp?
That's such a horrible story. Sorry for your loss, I know how hard that can be.

I had a similar situation last year by not owning a generator and losing power for 5 days in the blizzard. I lost all but 1 fish and amazingly 1 coral. Water got down to 50degrees the house was at 25 degrees!

Hope you have the time to rebuild it was looking good.
That really blows. Sorry man that is devastating. :(

I hope at least your mother waited until you got home from vacay to tell you.

...stupid auto correct