Listing of abbreviations


Senior Member
Is there any place that I can get a good list of abbreviations ie.
BTA, LPS, etc. I know what some are, but run into others often without a clue as to what they mean.

Just ask if you don't have a clue when you see it abbreviated & can't figure it out. Others do when they can't figure it out. ROTFLMAO is not one you want to ask on open forum though!!!!;) Just pm someone on that. LPS= Large Polyp Stony Coral ...BTA =Blue Tip Anemone
I though bta was bubble tip anemone.

usually the things that are harder to spell, or are really long end up in abbreviations.

sps:small polyp stoney coral
rodi:reverse osmosis de-ionation
rtn:rapid tissue necreotious (theres one of those hard to spell ones)
lmb:lawnmower blenny
nitrofish said:
I though bta was bubble tip anemone.

usually the things that are harder to spell, or are really long end up in abbreviations.

sps:small polyp stoney coral
rodi:reverse osmosis de-ionation
rtn:rapid tissue necreotious (theres one of those hard to spell ones)
lmb:lawnmower blenny

Your right.
some other common ones:

LMK: Let me know
HTH: hope this helps
LFS: local fish store
BTW: by the way
IMO: In my opinion
IME: in my experience
CBB: Copperband Butterfly
DSB: deep sand bed
BB: bare bottom

There are also a bunch for the water quality: N02, N03, (nitrate & nitrite, but forget which is which), etc etc.

There are tons more. When you see one, just ask.
Thanks and I can figure out ROTFLMAO

Thanks, I just thought that there may be a thread somewhere that has most of the common ones listed. I teach middle school so ROTFLMAO is easily figured out after I get up from rolling on the floor laughing.
bbreviate that my wife uses for medical transcription. I thought if I had the
list I could import it and then just use the abbreviations and the program would spell and type everything for me.

I appreciate everyone's help with the ones listed in the thread.

Aquaman_68 said:
Just ask if you don't have a clue when you see it abbreviated & can't figure it out. Others do when they can't figure it out. ROTFLMAO is not one you want to ask on open forum though!!!!;) Just pm someone on that. LPS= Large Polyp Stony Coral ...BTA =Blue Tip Anemone