Ann. March 22nd Meeting, Hollie Putnam- Taunton VFW 12-4 pm


Tim- 2020- Secretary, 2019 BRS President
BRS Member
Boston Reefers Meetings are open to all Paid, non-paid and prospective members (family friendly environment)

The next meeting of the Boston Reefers' Society will be on: Sunday, March 22th, 11am to 3:00pm with Hollie Putnam of University of Rhode Island.

Hollie Putnam is the founder of Putnam Lab at the University of Rhode Island.
She has recently received a 1.7 Million dollar Grant to research how corals grow and function. "Ultimately, the researchers will end up with the data that will help natural resource managers and conservationists protect coral reefs from a variety of harmful human impacts. " Come stop by and find out more about her research in coral symbiosis, molecules involved in reef building process and their ability to heal their own wounds.

The location is: Taunton VFW Hall, 82 Ingell St, Taunton, MA 02780

Meeting schedule:
**All topics and times subject to change at any time**
Meeting schedule: Noon - 4pm
11:00-11:30 Meet & Greet / Membership Registration
11:30-12:30 BOD discussion- Why it is important to have a local reef club. Our Mission and focus for this year and years to come.
12:00-1:00 Frag Swap, Socialize, Bring coral to swap, arrange pick up at meeting, talk reef with fellow reefers.
1:00-2:00 Speaker presentation
2:00-3:00 Food, raffle Clean up

This meeting is earlier than normal due to a booking in the hall at 3pm. Please take not of the special timeline above.

There will be many great raffle prizes offered up to support the club by our sponsors and members. Items will be posted as we get closer to the meeting date.

Raffle Items:
Tropic Marin Pro CA/MG Test kit
more to be listed.

**AS USUAL, THERE WILL BE A KIDS ACTIVITY TABLE** send suggestions to @aresangel if you think we should add something to the kids table activities.
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Boston Reefers Meetings are open to all Paid, non-paid and prospective members (family friendly environment)

The next meeting of the Boston Reefers' Society will be on: Sunday, March 22th, 11am to 3:00pm with Hollie Putnam of University of Rhode Island.

Hollie Putnam is the founder of Putnam Lab at the University of Rhode Island.
She has recently received a 1.7 Million dollar Grant to research how corals grow and function. "Ultimately, the researchers will end up with the data that will help natural resource managers and conservationists protect coral reefs from a variety of harmful human impacts. " Come stop by and find out more about her research in coral symbiosis, molecules involved in reef building process and their ability to heal their own wounds.

The location is: Taunton VFW Hall, 82 Ingell St, Taunton, MA 02780

Meeting schedule:
**All topics and times subject to change at any time**
Meeting schedule: Noon - 4pm
11:00-11:30 Meet & Greet / Membership Registration
11:30-12:30 BOD discussion- Why it is important to have a local reef club. Our Mission and focus for this year and years to come.
12:00-1:00 Frag Swap, Socialize, Bring coral to swap, arrange pick up at meeting, talk reef with fellow reefers.
1:00-2:00 Speaker presentation
2:00-3:00 Food, raffle Clean up

This meeting is earlier than normal due to a booking in the hall at 3pm. Please take not of the special timeline above.

There will be many great raffle prizes offered up to support the club by our sponsors and members. Items will be posted as we get closer to the meeting date.

Raffle Items:
Tropic Marin Pro CA/MG Test kit
more to be listed.

**AS USUAL, THERE WILL BE A KIDS ACTIVITY TABLE** send suggestions to @aresangel if you think we should add something to the kids table activities.
I can bring some games along checkers, connect 4
Upcoming Events

June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
