Mysterious fish deaths


Sgt. Tang Police
Ok I give up....

Fish are dieing about 1 per day with no signs of ICH, no signs of stress.

Almost if you could just insta freeze them in motion... Even more weird is that they are fully puffed up with color...

They have no fins missing, chewed, frayed or anything. I've checked the water it "seams" ok, but i dont know if there is some virus or bacteria killing them....

It's just FO, no inverts no agressive fish non chasing each other.

I am clueless and this is getting expensive

So far

3 Banner fish (1 a day)
1 yellow tang
1 clown
1 anthias Today

I saw the anthias swimming around fine last night.... at about Midnight before I went to bed...No ill signs whatsoever..

I'm baffled...:confused: :mad:
Any changes? Could you possibly have gotten something into the tank like soap or contaminated food?
Water Params? Maybe not the typical ones like A-N-N but something else in the water? If they have no signs of illness, then it has to be some sort of toxin.
Who knows, the frozen food packaging plant can have skrewups just like we do. Imagine if they cleaned a vat of whatever and didn't rinse the cleaner out right. At the meeting Ron talked about one of the salt companies having a contamination of a plastic stabilizer or something like that that was very toxic to fish embryos.
It happened to one of a yellow tang I had. It died for no reason, the dead body looked perfect. Before he died, he was picking on some unknown redish algea. It looked like it was poisoned by some kind of ueural toxin. I ended up tore down the whole tank and used the tank for fresh water fish.
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