Mysterious Bumps on Vlamingi's Head


So, my Vlamingi Tang has these bumps on it's head and I can't figure out what they are. Over the last few days they've been shrinking slightly, however cannot find pictures or any info on a possible ID of whats wrong. Any ideas?

Also, I'll attach a picture of my new baby, an ebony chinchilla.

Fish 1.JPG

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Fish 3.JPG

an aquatic rat?
Sorry, it was it possible he bumped into some rocks> A few of our fish have done that, and had bumps and abrasions as a result.
its possible he bumped into some rocks. do i need to worry about any long term disfigurement? so, no chance its a parasite of any kind? i just wanted to make sure, because if it were i would like to begin treatment asap.
Yeah looks like he smacked himself into a rock. I wouldn't worry too much about it. As long as your water is pristine and he's a healthy fish, I don't see why any secondary infection would take place. I'm sure he'll heal just fine.
ah, the aquatic chinchilla disease...a very rare disease causing various species of fish to grow fur and look exactly like chinchillas. I advise changing to a more chinchilla friendly diet (one not consisting of frozen brine or mysis). Congratulations on your new fuzzy and less fishy pet! :p