Mysterious Pistol Shrimp


About a year and a half ago, I introduced a pistol shrimp into my 75 gallon display. I never saw it again. After 2 tank crashes, the last one 7 months ago, I assumed it had definitely bought it. Then, tonight, while feeding an over-sized green brittle star, I suddenly noticed a pistol shrimp appear below a rock and disappear really quickly. How often should it be fed? Apparently it has found a way to feed itself... can people entice/train it to come out more often?
I'm thinking that if it's gotten by for 18 months without feeding, it probably doesn't require any special feeding. :p

You might be able to entice it out a bit more by leaving tidbits near an entrance to its lair, if you can figure out where one is...

A shrimp goby might get it to come out more often, as well.
A shrimp goby might get it to come out more often, as well.

Now the fun begins: I'm want to find a nice shrimp goby... Is it easy to get them to discover each other? I remember the first time I introduce a clown fish to the tank and would watch for hours hoping it would start hosting in the anemone...
I don't have any personal experience with pairing them, but I've heard from several people/read several places that they're pretty likely to pair up- much more so than clowns/'nems.
My tiger pistol shrimp (m/f pair) and Wheeler's goby found each other with no problem. I originally introduced the Wheeler's to the same corner that the shrimp were in . . . and he promptly went and sat on a rock on the other side of the tank for two days by himself. I didn't know what to do, so I just left him there, and by the third morning he'd found them and was happily watching them digdigdigdig.

The funny thing is, when I was doing my tank switch 3 weekends ago, I managed to catch all the fish . . . and I accidentally released the Wheeler's back into the tank AFTER I'd set up all the rock-work again. (Don't ask, and boy was I p****d.) Within 5 minutes, he was paired up with the pistol shrimp again (and this is in a completely new tank and rock set-up) and giving me the proverbial fishy finger from his newly created lair. (I did end up catching him again, after moving half my rock around for a second time.)

Now, with the main tank lying fallow and the goby being treated, I still see my pistols all the time. In fact, they're tame enough to take little pieces of krill from my forceps. I highly recommend a goby if you want to see your pistol more often. There are at least 5 different species that are commonly imported that quickly pair up with pistols, from what I understand.

On a final note, when I moved my tank I had pretty much lost my female pistol. She was hiding in one of the rocks, and I didn't see her from the time I started taking out rock until 3 days after the new tank was set up. They're pretty hardy little buggers!

PS- as far as feeding goes, I leave little bits of krill or shrimp pellets by their lair every once in a while, but I'm pretty sure they also eat my amphipods and mysis that I have roaming around. I don't believe mine are really picky eaters. Also, I squirt mysis or brine into their lairs when I'm spot feeding my candycanes.
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I have a randall's goby and a randall's pistol shrimp that have been in the same tank for over 4 months and they've never paired up???The shrimp was in there first so I bought the goby hoping they'd get together,I know the shrimp is still in there because I hear him....I guess sometimes they find each other and sometimes they don't...
Yes, I think that I will add a prawn goby.


[LiveAquaria's Wheeler's Watchman]

Hopefully with a somewhat smaller tank than estubbaly's my experience will approach that of phaedraeos'.
I <3 my Wheeler's goby! His name is Dirk Diggler, and the pistols are Chasey Lane and Ron Jeremy :D

I got mine at Skiptons; if that's the species you're planning on getting you should be able to find one there. They stock them pretty regularly, so if not this week then some time in the near future.