New Turtle Paludarium Build

Our Sunny is 11 years old and his shell is about 6 inches long. The squirtle looks like a red eared slider which may get a bit larger
It’s great. The 6 tiger barbs we added are breeding so very cool to find the the babies. The plants on the waterfall have done well. Most of the others were trashed by Sunny. We are going to try again and wire them in place this time so, hopefully, they stay when the turtles climb them. Thanks for asking!
What an incredible story about Sunny's journey! He's gone from the size of a nickel to an 80-gallon tank - quite the glow-up! It's amazing to hear about the bond you've formed over the past decade. If you ever want to share more about Sunny's adventures or seek advice from fellow reptile enthusiasts, you might want to hop over to They'd love to hear your story and offer insights.
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June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
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