Question about bio-load


I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 small percula clownfish, a mandarin, and a small seahorse not sure what kind (gets 6 inches long.) I was wondering if I could add another small fish? And if I can't would i be able to if I added a refugium to bring more water into the system?
i have 2 clown fish and they get to be about 3 inches and 4 gallons per inch is 24 gallons is other fish might make it 30 gallons but depending on teh amount of live rock water movement and surface area of teh tank also come into play with the bio load and i thought not sure that u could only have a sea horse in a tank with other sea horses if not im getting one.
and if that sea horse gets 6 inches long idk u might need to get rid of it but Wait for a another opinion before u do anney thing
the more water volume the better chance you will have. do you have a sump running? or a skimmer ? all of these will help keep your water cleaner. if not i would say that if you do weekly water changes you would be able to add another small fish. however i would reconsider the seahorse. the problem is that they are very slow feeders and the other fish like the clowns are aggressive feeders and the seahorse might not get enough food to stay healthy
Ya the mandarin is eating I have plenty of pods, I grow them in a 10 gallon for him. The seahorse eats from a bowl and gets plenty of mysis. I have 55 pounds of live rock with good water circulation. I should probably wait until I upgrade next summer. Thanks for everyone's help.
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