Sarcastic reef dictionary

Sleeping wit teh fishes: What most of us would be doing if the spouses found out our secrets/white-lies.

You have to find an alternative because you don't have a tank
Reef Farmer Market: the once a year event that you can't find a parking space in a school parking lot...on Saturday, during day time.

$1: will you take .50cents
Free: 10 million people want it even if they don't need it.
"Reefer" as a hobby on a resume' will land the job...

Suction powerhead makes a nice tank re-decorator and sand cleaner

Convincing the wife to buy a generator to protect the tank....I mean house in the storm

The gap behind the live rock - place to put the coral newly bought before slowly moving to the front for the wife not to notice what was bought

Enginerering goby - cool fish that plays hide and seek with coral

It's a fun game to find the plug in the tangled mess of wires to unplug the skimmer to empty
Elegant coral: they always die elegantly in your tank, a bit slowly in some cases for your enjoyment
Gold torch: more expensive than gold in weight
Skimmer: A device that remove organic waste from a reef tank and the high-end ones will also skim your wallet
Return pumps: A device that steal electricity then blame it on metal halide.
Darwin Clowns: Not related to the old dude known for his evolution theory...there are actually a place named Darwin, haha
Da Vinci Clowns: when Picasso is not good enough for your collection...what is next, Rembrandt?
Finding Nemo: Down the drain...ended up in the sump
8 Line Wrasse: Two lines meaner than a six-line wrasse
Electric Circuit - The race you run to the mailbox and back to grab the electric bill before your wife sees it.
ChemiClean: A magical cure for red slimes. It kills of red slime so that dino can take hold. Keep you entertain for a while
Frequent shopper for online deal on reef salt: your ups guy curse you at first name basis
Deep Sand Bed: A cesspool right in the bed room of fish.
Finding Nemo 2: Dori will become endanger species, soon