Schooling Fish


I am interested in adding 5 -6 colorful schooling fish to my 72. Looking for suggestions.

The only ones I can think of are chromis.

Anthias (just research the proper type for your conditions)
1 male likes about 6+ females
I have had great luck with chromis. They always school, and you can't kill them, they are chap, and colorful.
I have had great luck with chromis. They always school, and you can't kill them, they are chap, and colorful.

the thing is you start with 6 and end up with 2 in a few years, they kill each other off over time
I have 1 male + 3 female bartlett's anthias. Only been a few months so I can't really speak about long term success with them, but so far so good. The thing that is funny is that the other fish in the system tend to come over and they all school together. Well actually I think technically I should say shoal. Never seen any actual schooling. I don't have a ton of fish in my 150, but it's amusing seeing 4 anthias, male and female clarkii, a yellowtail damsel and a bangaii all hanging out in a group like buddies. Although on the downside then there are no fish swimming anywhere else in the tank. Maybe I should get more fish. Hehe.
I am thinking of going with the Bartlett's Anthias. Thanks! Now Just have to find them at a reasonable price.