Sick fish


So last week I stupidly added some neon tetras to my parrot cichlids/feather fin squeaker catfish tank without QT(I know they will likely become snacks now). Those snacks introduced some nasty parasite. Two days ago I noticed what appeared to be flashing by the parrots and some twitching of the fins on the cats. Then yesterday my smaller parrot was stressed on the bottom of the tank, but would resume normal behavior when the tank was approached. And no one had an appetite but they could usually eat a small child. Upon closer inspection I saw what appeared to be white spots all over the body. But also maybe somewhat of a slimy haze surrounding the spots. Reading that since the cats are scaleless copper is too strong. So I grabbed what the internet said would be safe(melafix) at the local pets mart. They also had an ich treatment (api super ich cure) that had instructions for scaleless fish(frantic me grabbed that and some aquarium salt too). I dosed the melafix as directed (55ml for my 110g tank). Not sure if I should be aiming for 100g as decorations displace that much atleast. I also dosed the ich meds but only 1/3 the dose as instructions said 1/2 dose for scaleless fish. And I added some aquarium salt back in as I usually keep some in there but did a large WC in response to the stress earlier in the day. The fish are super active again today and I put in The next dose of melafix just now. Still no one has an appetite and the spots remain, and have gotten worse on the cats. The super ick cure wants a secondary dose 48hrs later so I will add that tomorrow along with maintaining the melafix for the recommended 7 days. Wondering if it would be more ethical for me to remove the parrots and treat them with copper for faster relief or if I should really properly identify the parasite in question before going that route. Seeing as the meds I am using have improved the situation I am hesitant to deviate until these treatments have completed. Any insight, ridicule, or help welcome. Here’s some pics( lots of micro bubbles as I run an air stone Infront of a koralia power head to increase oxygen)
Beautiful fish. There are some fancy ways to transfer fish back and forth to QT without meds that break the ich lifecycle. you should google tank transfer method and see if it might work for you.
I was thinking the tank transfer method might work well, the thought of catching these guys is nuts!! The biggest cat is pushing 10”