Sick Fourline Wrasse?


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
I picked up a fourline from Jay's on Friday and acclimated him to my QT (10 gallon with a few pieces of PVC couplings, sponge filter seeded from DT) over the course of an hour. He seemed to be doing great Saturday and Sunday. He was buzzing around the tank and eating mysis/brine/prime reef flake happily.

I know these guys are known to make that mucus cocoon and basically lay on the bottom of the tank while sleeping, but it's well into the morning now and he is curled on the bottom laying next to a PVC joint still. He has no visible mucus cocoon on him and all his fins look healthy too (fully extended). His color looks great and there are no spots or fin rot or anything that I can see. I did a ~40% water change and all parameters are spot on. There is 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate in the tank. SG is 1.024-1.025 and temp is 78. PH is 8.2 and alk is 9-10.

Is he just stressed out for some reason maybe? Anyone ever seen something like this or have any input?

I think I figured it out! I moved some of the PVC around to get him actually moving and then put some mysis/brine shrimp combo in there to try and get him to eat. Well he did and he started actually moving around. Pretty soon he was buzzing all over again! I guess he didnt get enough food the last couple days? I fed him twice a day and gave a combo of mysis, brine, formula 1 pellet and prime reef flake. I really dont see how I could have under-fed him, there was plenty of food that he ate.
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