So my Pajama Cardinal is carrying eggs.


So my Pajama Cardinal is carrying eggs. What do I do should I take the fish out and put it in another tank? What do they eat? What are the chances of them surviving etc..
In 5 or 6 days, the eggs will hatch.

There are two options for collecting the larvae. You can wait until the hatch and catch them out of the aquarium (you have to actually be watching when they hatch because they will not last long in your main aquarium).

Or you can remove the eggs from the tank before they hatch. Chasing down and catching the male usually will cause him to spit the eggs, so you should only attempt this just before the eggs are expected to hatch.

They are about half the size of a clownfish larvae at hatching and they take 2x as long to reach meta. Smaller = harder, Longer = harder. I recommend you first become proficient at growing clowns(if you are not already) and then give the cardinals a shot.

I had no luck growing them on regular rotifers. I now have small strain rotifers and hope to have better luck with those.
I would take him out of the main tank , and try to raise some brine for the babies.............................this has worked for others.
They are pajama cardinals. Thanks for the info. Since I know they will breed I will prepare for next time.
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