stop me

DIY LED isnt actually as expensive as you'd think. $500 can get you a pretty solid fixture.... definitely dont go VHO. Lots of power used, it is a dying technology. T5 setups are nice, lots of variation in color output and good par, but you have to replace the bulbs every 6-12 months.

I run a DIY hybrid 2x250W Halide, 4x54W T5 and it is great, but if I had it to do again, I think I would either go all T5 or go LED. The big attraction for LED is not changing led's for 10 years and the immediate power savings.
"The big attraction for LED is not changing led's for 10 years" Actually, that is slowly becoming the "big myth"...
Vho's need to be replaced about every 6-8 months and are bulky,t5's about 12-16 months bulbs are slim plus with good reflectors cant be beat for efficiency.That's a considerable savings in bulb replacement costs.
Why is it a myth?

Bulb life it not what it is stated. It is still a new technology that surface is just being scratched.

But I disagree the attraction to LED is not bulb life but efficiency, compact size, heat output and the
ability to tune color & output. It is it's versatility that make it a better light source than MH.

Ever since the energy crunch, anything that may reduce running cost has had a huge attraction.
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I run (3) 250w MH and (4) T5 actinic above my 180. I still really like the Mh bulbs. Can't say they run cool or are supper efficient but they have a great look on a large tank.
Bulb life it not what it is stated. It is still a new technology that surface is just being scratched.

But I disagree the attraction to LED is not bulb life but efficiency, compact size, heat output and the
ability to tune color & output. It is it's versatility that make it a better light source than MH.

Ever since the energy crunch, anything that may reduce running cost has had a huge attraction.

But how do we know bulb (diode not bulb) life will not be 10 years if this is new technology? Wouldn't we have to wait for the shortcomings of LEDs before we can say this?
I am not arguing bulb life I stated bulb life is not the attraction to LEDs. It is new technology for our application. Interesting to see how the output for reeftank
lighting coincides with bulb life.
"Why is it a myth?" Because all the data supporting the "50,000 hour myth" is based on a test on a single diode under laboratory conditions (and the life is estimated). If you read the manufacturers data on the life of a floro, pc, or mh, you will see their "life" is in the 20-30,000 hour range. We all no that isn't the case for our reef lighting. Once you take that diode off the laboratory bench and put it in a housing, it's anyones guess how long it will put out useful light for a reef tank. That said, my par38 led bulbs have lost 10-20% of their par output in only 8-9 months, compared to 20-30% for my t5 fixture and 10% for my mh fixture.
"Why is it a myth?" Because all the data supporting the "50,000 hour myth" is based on a test on a single diode under laboratory conditions (and the life is estimated). If you read the manufacturers data on the life of a floro, pc, or mh, you will see their "life" is in the 20-30,000 hour range. We all no that isn't the case for our reef lighting. Once you take that diode off the laboratory bench and put it in a housing, it's anyones guess how long it will put out useful light for a reef tank. That said, my par38 led bulbs have lost 10-20% of their par output in only 8-9 months, compared to 20-30% for my t5 fixture and 10% for my mh fixture.

Right, it's anyone's guess. So until it's proven on how long these diodes will last then there is no myth. I believe in scientific data, not one person's opinion. It will take time and data from many people before we can make a statement like this. When the data comes in saying that LED life is only 2 years then and only then will I buy that. Just because your par 38 led has lost some par doesn't mean squat. Maybe par 38's aren't practical for the use of diodes. Perhaps they run too hot. I've been running LEDs for over a year now on one of my tanks with no loss in par. NONE! I've built many LED setups for people who have been running them at least a year and have no loss in par. So just because your one par 38 LED shows a loss in par doesn't mean anything in my book.
No par loss whatsoever huh? You should contact CREE, obviously you've built some magic lights......
Absolutely none! Did I say I used Cree's? Look all I'm saying is that until there is solid evidence which will take time in years, you can't make statements like that. That's all!
No, until their is solid proof that an Led fixture will last 10 years over a reef tank, it's a myth. There are many "old" led fixtures in the junk heap, many not even lasting a year....
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