trying to build my own refugium Where can you buy acrylic from?


want to turn my 75 gallon sump into a refugium.
anyone have any experience with this?
where can i get the acrylic from.
Thanks John,
i am looking to install baffles, nothing fancy. I wonder if someone sells a kit to do it?
I believe Lowes sells Acryllic panels and they cut whatever size you want.

I also saw homedepot sells glass baffles as well.
No kits that I know of.

The best way to put baffles in a glass tank would be to go to a glass shop and have them cut the pieces you need (and have the exposed edge polished, or plan on carefully sanding the sharp edge off). Glass in glass should be cut about 1/8" short of the actual width to allow for silicone.

Next best bet, acrylic, just cut or have it cut with a little more clearance, figure about 3/16" ish as acrylic will actually absorb a bit of water and swell slightly. Acrylic doesn't have to be cut perfectly for something like this, so if you have access to a table saw with a fairly fine toothed blade it's easy to do your self.

Lowes and HD do carry some acrylic, but IME it's not the greatest. They will also have lexan and other similar materials which can be used, but I'd rather use deccent acrylic. You can order acrylic from in all sorts of sizes (I don't think they will custom cut your exact size, but you can order anything from 12x12" and up.)

To actually install the baffles, use any aquarium safe silicone.
I use lowes since they score and cut the stuff for ya. Makes things alot easier justmake sure you got all your measurments correct so you aint wasting time and acrylic sheets you dont need,