Want to change my Live Sand. Need advise on steps to take.


I want to go from the white to black and need to know the proper steps to take in order not have a new cycle.
The first tank that will be changed out will be my 12g Nano with 20# of new LS.
Tank has 3 fish and lots of corals and snails.

The 2nd will be a 40g with 20# new LS and 30# dry.
Tank has 4 fish, hermit crabs, snails and anemones.
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now where did you get that? If you don't mind me asking....

From a fellow reefer here on BRS. I have got 2 unopen bags a total of 40# and 30# of dry that he removed from his tank that was only in there for about 4 weeks.
The dry will be rinsed off with RO water.
Change it a little over time, siphon out a third or a quarter and replace. Do this over three or four weeks a should be all set. I replaced my sugar sand with Red Sea Reef Base over a month with no ill effects. Pistol shrimp was making a dust storm so it had to stop and it did.
Change it a little over time, siphon out a third or a quarter and replace. Do this over three or four weeks a should be all set. I replaced my sugar sand with Red Sea Reef Base over a month with no ill effects. Pistol shrimp was making a dust storm so it had to stop and it did.

The problem is I don't want the white sand to mix in with the black.
I didn't know they had bags of that live.... well....if that is the case....you need to rinse the dry sand in good clean ro a couple times & you can mix the live with the dry rinsed....Adding it to the tank can be acheived thru a large pvc pipe about 3 feet long & 3inches in diameter. (that is after you suck all the old reef sand out with a gravel cleaner.... ) Once you pour a bit down the pipe let it sit for about 5 mins before pulling the pipe up slowly to allow the sand to sift out...that will make the least clouding....after a couple times you will get the knack of how long you need to let the sand sit in the tube before lifting...

It's alot of work & make sure you plan on having at least three hours ahead of you...(min)

Ok here is my update on the removal of the sand. I took all 20 corals 3 fish and snails and put them in the anemone tank for holding.(Hope the bio load doesn't jump)
I removed all water from tank with live rock and placed in bin with heat and flow.
Next came removal of old sand and cleaned up tank a bit.
Installed 20# of new live sand and introduced water and rock back to tank. Been cycled now for 24 hours.
How long should I wait before putting the fish and corals back in the tank?
if your sand is really live, you can put the stock back in right away....if not still live, you will cycle
Are we talking about "live sand" sealed in a bag from the fish store?
If so, though there may be bacteria and whatnot in it, it is probably not anywhere near as diverse in critters as real live sand. I doubt that there are any worms, crustations, or pods in that bag. I would want to add it very gradually if possible to let the actual "live" get established.

Is this multiple tanks on one system? If so, I would probably change out one tank, then let a while go by (like 6 months) before changing the other tank. Otherwise, I can't think of a way to innoculate the new black sand without mixing in at least some of the old sand.
I installed a new bag of live sand that was sealed in the nano tank saving all but about 2.5 gallons of my water that was in there. I mixed up a small batch of water to complete the top off.
What would the waiting period be before putting the corals back in or os it ok to do it now? Also I would like to take my RBTA and put him in the nano tank.

The other tank I plan to do will be 20# of new sealed live sand and 30# of dry sand in a 40 gallon.
This tank I plan to do in the coming month.
IMO, if you have enough live rock, you will prob be okay even....I would test the water daily for ammonia and nitrite just incase and keep a bottle of amquel around. I would try and get a cup or 2 of live sand from another tank to help "liven" up the prepackaged sand (I don't consider it real live sand)
yeah andy hit it right...test ammonia first & right away...see how high it gets & how fast it drops...(should be within a day or two if it is really full of live bacteria as the bag states...) once the ammonia drops to undetectable you can then test for nitrites.... Which should peak & drop to undetectable within a day or two...

FME when I added any form of live sand to a new system the nitrogen cycle didn't last for more than a day...& the spike in ammonia & nitrites didn't last more than 12 hours for ea.....

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