Wanting a Hippo Tang


Hi Guys. I have been wanting a Hippo Tang for quite some time now. My concern is that they are prone to ick. Also, I do not have a quarantine tank (lucky so far). Does anyone have ideas or suggestions on introducing a Hippo to my tank and minimizing the chance of an ick outbreak?
Mine got Ick shortly after I got him, had it for three or four days I kept him in my display tank, fed him garlic soaked food, and he got over it fine it never spread to any other fish. I have had him for a little over a year now, great fish.

Both of the hippos I've had got ick shortly after placing them in the system. If you keep them stress free and keep them well fed, the ick should go away within a few days. I still strongly recommend a QT, but I have placed hippos in tanks without QT (before I had one of course). Just my experience. BTW, IMO hippos are by far the most personable, beautiful, and fun fish to watch. Careful though, they grow quick, love open spaces, and are also prone to HLLE. Good luck!
I think if the hippo is the first tang in he'll do fine. I've had a couple with no success but, I also had a PBT and a yellow at the time already in my tank .
I've had a Hippo tang for the past 5 months or so and he had ich off and on until...well, even now he can get a spot (which is usually gone by the next time I look in the tank). Maybe I've just gotten REALLY lucky with my other fish, but throughout all the nasty breakouts that I swore would leave him dead or scarred, none of my other fish have gotten it. I guess his immune system just isn't very good at getting rid of Ich, while the other fish are much more resistant to it.

I don't have a UV sterilizer, but you may want to consider it if you are worried about your other fish. Oh, and while I can't disagree with the QT, don't be surprised that as soon as you dump him into the main tank with lots of other unfamilliar fish that he gets stressed out and comes down with Ich. Ah, the life of a Hippo. :p

I added mine a year after the yellow, theygot along fine, not buddies but didn't bother each other. Occasionaly showed a couple white spots but the neon gobies would clean him right up. He was doing great, had about doubled in size in the last 6 mos. Last 4 days did not seem right, was hiding more than usual, and did not seem to eat. Looked healthy no spots, breathing normal just hiding. Can't find him today so I fear the worst.
I've had a large hippo in my tank for close to a year. There was a large, agressive yellow tang in residence when I introduced it. However, the hippo was never the least bit intimidated. Within a day, it was ruling the tank and has never had a spot on it. I think the reason the for its success is was a long time resident in another member's tank. (Thank you, Dawn.) It had made the adjustment from the wild to aquarium long ago, so stress of switching tanks was minimized. Just my opinion.