Warm Weather ALERT!..Upcoming forecast for Thurs is 85 degrees!!!


Don't get caught off guard....plug in your chillers, put some water bottles in the freezer (in case) and fire up your fans!!!!.....In case you have been living under a rock and haven't seent the forecast yet, just be aware that we are going to see RECORD BREAKING temps Thursday (3/22)with forecast INTO THE 80's. Therefore houses and apartments and therefore fish tanks and reefs will heat up fast so be prepared!!!
The waterbottles in the freezer are a good idea... I don't have a chiller and don't have the finances to buy one anytime soon, so that's a good alternative should my tank get too hot. I haven't even been running my heater the past few days, because the pump and the lights are keeping the tank at 78-79.
Prob dumb question.... but when I hear ppl on the forum say during summer months "I havent been running my heater", do you guys actually unplug them? Why not just leave them like normal since they have a thermostat anyway that wont turn them on unless necessary?
I just turn it down... I have it set to 75. That way it doesn't run on and off, since the outdoor temp and the pump/lights keep the tank about where it should be, but if for some reason, the tank got too cold, the heater would kick in.
if your concerned about the heat, shut your lights off for the day or two................................................It will cool off at night so the accumulated heat wont be bad...........
Yeah, heat is a killer, literally, We lost almost everything last summer when we had those 100+ Degree days...invested in a AC for the living room, and now things are great! :)

But way to give the club a heads up! Love seeing people looking out for others.
Bring it on, cant wait for the 100º days

do you pay your cooling bills? running 6 tons of AC in March is not my idea of a good time, since I'm still walking funny from my heating bills from last winter.
Convinced the wife to shut the windows and plug in the wall a/c before she headed off to work for the "health of the cats." I don't want them to overheat :p
Some parts or the reefs of the red sea the water reaches 90+

That's true, but the temperature fluctuates only ~4 degrees over the entire year, not 10 degrees in a single day.

I agree that our fish and corals can handle a 5 degree swing without a problem typically, but this assumes there isn't an underlying illness that you aren't aware of. So yes, don't panic, but we should also try to do what we can to minimize the swings.
Considering the nights are still quite cool it shouldn't be a huge problem, unless you have a small tank and live in an attic or 3rd or forth floor apartment.

Without having to add any cooling system or AC, my tank handles temps up to 88-90 during summer month where temps are much higher at night.

And right now it is peaking for a few hour then dropping quite quickly. So it is a good test for newer system to see how bad you will have it this summer. So if you have issues in this type of weather the dog days of summer will put a world of hurt on you tank.
Are you feeling ok?
yup thanks for asking =p
do you pay your cooling bills? running 6 tons of AC in March is not my idea of a good time, since I'm still walking funny from my heating bills from last winter.

i sure don't but i wouldn't ever run the a/c if i had a say in it. Im a freak of nature i guess i love heat. The room where my tank is has no insulation and is on the top floor so it stays 85+ degrees until 10:00 pm even on a 7o degree day. Thats the only reason i would ever run a/c to keep my tank from boiling. I will be working all summer in easily 110+ degree humid attics all summer, after that heat is no problem for me
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Ben Johnson
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