Water Changes, Yes or No?

Tank looks awesome! But how do you deal with detritus buildup without occasional siphoning during water changes?
I use a filter sock if I’m not changing the water but want to get some build up out then put the water back works well for me. I use a filter sock holder bracket off Amazon and it sits perfectly on the side of a 5 gallon bucket.
This seems like exactly as much work as a water change for less benefit… but I guess it’s kind of a cool challenge to avoid WC if tank looks good.

I have used a filter sock in sump for continuous siphon when I need to get rid of a bunch of algae etc
Every week or 2 I put a sock in my sump and siphon as much detritus as I can before I can’t see anything anymore in the tank then just pull the sock and repeat next time.

This seems like exactly as much work as a water change for less benefit… but I guess it’s kind of a cool challenge to avoid WC if tank looks good.

I have used a filter sock in sump for continuous siphon when I need to get rid of a bunch of algae etc
Haha agreed except I don’t have to make water so it is slightly easier and gets a cleaning in. I don’t have an easy system yet still early days getting there I’m still using 5 gallon buckets to make rodi. It’s one hell of a workout though. I use my waste water in a rain barrel for my wife’s garden that gets carried out two 5 gallon buckets at time. One day I’ll setup a pump to pump it out there or give up and pump it to a French drain lol
I do a 35% water change once a month. The corals respond really well so we keep doing it. We dose a TON of soda ash that can build and be measured as salinity. Also we dose trace elements and I know I can't keep things going absolutely perfectly on this front, so I feel it's good to knock it back to a clean slate of fresh mixed saltwater every once in a while. Our fresh mixed salt water is tuned to perfection before doing the water change so it does feel like I'm replacing the water with exactly the same thing ...so I get that argument. But I'm sure I'm also cutting down on toxins and the yellowness of the water as well with every water change.

I do a 35% water change once a month. The corals respond really well so we keep doing it. We dose a TON of soda ash that can build and be measured as salinity. Also we dose trace elements and I know I can't keep things going absolutely perfectly on this front, so I feel it's good to knock it back to a clean slate of fresh mixed saltwater every once in a while. Our fresh mixed salt water is tuned to perfection before doing the water change so it does feel like I'm replacing the water with exactly the same thing ...so I get that argument. But I'm sure I'm also cutting down on toxins and the yellowness of the water as well with every water change.

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Wow, super amazing gorgeous
Water changes, for me, are very spotty. I haven't done one in my main display in over 2 months. In all fairness, I do both protein skim and run a fuge.
Since getting the water change station online, I do weekly 15g changes. Takes all of 20 mins to drain and replace but no lifting or lugging. The tank always looks better after the wc and a coral snow treatment. I was doing 10g WCs biweekly but it would stretch to 3 wks often and I noticed a difference of nagging algae and some trace deficiencies over time (after ICP results).

Ive never done moonshiners but Ive heard good things. I know this method and dont have to learn another method so Ill continue with my way. Corals are growing and PE is nice on SPS/LPS except for the meat coral..which I dont have any clue as to why its less meat coral and more scoly.
I do a 5 gallon water change once a week/once every other week depending on how my tank and corals are looking. I know some people find it annoying to do water changes. Personally I like it, taking some time to inspect and see how everything’s doing.
I just got back to doing them every week, I went on sabbatical from doing it for a bit and regret it. 5 gl… It’s easy enough on my 55-60 gl system. I’ve looked into dosing to avoid water changes, seems like a lot of extra equipment to get when it literally only takes me 15 min every Sunday. Take looks great now, especially after vacuuming out the sump which I hadn’t done in 7 yrs. Terrible I know, that was a 15gl water change, easy peasy. Like night and day now. Doing the 5gl weekly wc I use a 3/8 hose and siphon up any algae and detritus. Tank looks even better. Maybe look into dosing equipment when and if I ever upgrade to a bigger tank or if my corals start consuming more nutrients then the weekly change replenishes. Haven’t seen any numbers drop in the past couple months. Like chrispchef said, I actually enjoy it.

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