Weird snail (no shell) ?


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
I noticed this in my tank a few nights ago so i shot some different videos, some when i took him out of the tank, and then i put him back in. I saw him on the glass, he was eating, then he raised his head up and sprayed some white debri out of his mouth.. almost like he was puking, or spawning.. not sure why it would come from his mouth. I have also noticed lots of snail eggs, very long strings on my live rock, and some curled tightly on the glass. The weird thing about it is that it has a quarter sized shell, but its flat.. it almost looks like a shell that got broken. He has almost no protection from predators and as far as i know i dont have anything in my tank that could do that kind of damage to a snail, no way. He is a pretty good sized snail so i would have definitely noticed if i put him in my tank. If anyone knows wth is going on lmk

* in the first video there is a snail behind him, so be aware that is not his shell

I know this is an old thread, but I just got a video of 3 different ones in different spots spray out a white something....looked like they were smoking a Cigg....Is it possible to have to many of these? I count easily 5 very large ones.
those are good snails as part of the CUC, they reproduce in your tank.
This happened to me in my old nano, they spawned to the point where I had so many I had to just pull them out.
that is the way they spawn. they go to the highest point with the most flow and they spew that milky stuff out. i have had them do that and i ended up with hundreds of them but the keep the algae in check
Haha nice, yea it was funny there were about 3 different ones doing that on a certain rock near the top with good flow.....I guess time will tell and maybe I will have a snail sale
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