CHerry corals pooled order to save on shipping

Question about shipping/pick up... I will be in NH the weekend of 13-15th, and also work a couple weeknights. If the order comes in a day I wont be able to pick would you mind holding for a day or two?
Order details

OK. Todd at cherry is good to go. We may be getting a discount too. What I need is a list of your corals to be ordered and price total posted here. I will then send that list to Todd for pricing and availability. Once he confirms we need to send him paypal $. We'll do this individually and ship all corals to one location, my office in wlahtam for pickup. Pickup after 5:30 would be in natick MA.

Please just post your order and PM me with any questions. It just makes it easier to keep track of all the info for me.

coral 1 (if acans and such # of heads) 2 heads $20 each $40 total
coral 2 $60
coral 3 $40
total $140
Agent orange acan $60
wonder woman acan $20 X2= $40
Weird acan $20 X2 = $40
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Is it possible for you to hold onto the orders for a day or two? I can't drive yet so I can't guarentee that I'll be able to be there.
oh yeah, wobt order till next week at least. I'm still waiting for people to post their info here.
No, I meant, could you keep them in your tank for a day or two if I can't pick them up on the day that they come. As I said, I can't drive yet, so there's no guarentee that I can be there.
Itd just be 1-3 acro polyps. Whatdya say, Peppermints or Oz? I can get 1 peppermint for $20 or 2 (that's the minimum) Ozes for $60. Ozes look nicer, but that's a prett big price discrepency.
so this looks like its dead...... no one is responding. That's a shame since we got a 10% discount and free shipping. Mike, maybe it's just you and I.

I'll have to inform cherry that the bigger order is gone and see if we can still ge a good deal.
Hey sorry I am out. They are out of stock on everything I was interested in and spent alot on my tank the past week. Maybe some other time...
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