January 22 meeting with Dr. Andrew Rhyne


Boston Reefers Meetings are open to all Paid, non-paid and prospective members (family friendly environment)

The next meeting of the Boston Reefers' Society will be on:Sunday,January 22, 2017 noon to 4:00pm with Dr. Andrew Rhyne .

The location is:Taunton VFW 82 Ingell St, Taunton, MA 02780

Dr. Andrew Rhyne
Topic – captive fish breeding and effects on the ornamental fish trade


Andrew Rhyne, Ph.D., has invested his career in understanding marine ornamental aquaria: the biology of aquarium fishes and invertebrates, as well as the industry driven by human fascination for these creatures. The trade in aquarium species can be considered data limited industry and the lack of available trade data hinders sustainability movements within the trade. Dr. Rhyne has worked to develop solutions to this data gap. Dr. Rhyne is advancing the field of marine ornamental aquaculture, developing methods for breeding and rearing popular species in aquaria. His body of work illuminates life histories, husbandry and larval rearing requirements of many wild ornamental fish and invertebrate larvae. Dr. Rhyne proactively teaches others the skills that he has developed to support the development of marine ornamental aquaculture, both to his students as an Assistant Professor at Roger Williams University in Bristol, RI, and concurrently to public aquarium professional as a Research Scientist at the New England Aquarium in Boston, MA. Dr. Rhyne received his B.S. from the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, FL..

Meeting schedule:

**All topics and times subject to change at any time**

Meeting schedule: Noon - 4pm
12:00-12:30 Meet & Greet / Membership Registration
12:30-1:00 Q&A if interest (Psst! Old school reefers, civic duty calls!)
1:00-2:00 Speaker presentation
2:30-3:00 Food, raffle
3:00-4:00 on Fragswap mayhem/socializing/meeting cleanup

Water testing will be available for this meeting as well as Fish Goo!

There will be many great raffle prizes offered up to support the club by our sponsors and members. Items will be posted as we get closer to the meeting date.
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Dr. Rhyne will be bringing captive bread yasha gobies and/or captive bread designer clowns for the raffle
Dr. Rhyne came to a meeting about 2-3 years back. Very good talk and a lot of participation.
Cool it will be good to see you paul.

I'm not sure about fish goo. I'll look into it. If not this one then next meet.
The football game will be 6pm so plenty of time to come to the meeting then get home and ready for the pats!
Anyone that wants to stop by my place to see the tank and talk reef after the meeting is welcome. I have lots of frags that need a home too.
Anyone that does not take up Paul's offer is Insane.

ENTER WITH CAUTION! You will either be inspired or devastated.