Need Help Picking a Fish


I'm thinking of adding one more fish to my tank. Should I get a mystery wrasse, red hawk fish, or watchman goby? I currently have a small YT, mandarin, 6-line wrasse (they both eat frozen), 2 maroon clowns in my 72 bowfront tank. TIA
I wouldn't put any other wrasse in with that devil 6 line. I watched mine kill a newly purchased 5 Bar Mystery Wrasse a couple of years ago. That was just the beginning of the fish it killed. It went on to kill a trio of bartlett Anthias and misc other wrasse after that before I was able to trap it. The 6 line was a model citizen for about 2 years before it went on it's rampage.
I'd say maybe the WCG, seems like 90% or better have harassed fish that are added after 6-lines.
I wouldn't put any other wrasse in with that devil 6 line. I watched mine kill a newly purchased 5 Bar Mystery Wrasse a couple of years ago. That was just the beginning of the fish it killed. It went on to kill a trio of bartlett Anthias and misc other wrasse after that before I was able to trap it. The 6 line was a model citizen for about 2 years before it went on it's rampage.

Woo...thank for letting me know. My 6-line has been good so far. I'll see if I can trap him out. Other than that which fish out of the 3 should I get?
I think the mystery wrasse is the most expensive of the 3 but it's ok. Just want to get a fish that's most compatible with my current fish.
I'd definitely go for the flame hawkfish. They are such a personable and curious fish. Love em. :)
Peter do you have ornamental shrimp in the tank? If so stay away from both the five bar and the flame hawk fish. I made the mistake of putting a $200 five bar in my tank and it picks on my shrimps constantly. I happen to like having bunches of cleaner and fire shrimp in my reef.

He'll be up for sale soon. As soon as I can catch him.

P.S. I did a victory dance when my six line went carpet surfing! :D
Peter do you have ornamental shrimp in the tank? If so stay away from both the five bar and the flame hawk fish. I made the mistake of putting a $200 five bar in my tank and it picks on my shrimps constantly. I happen to like having bunches of cleaner and fire shrimp in my reef.

He'll be up for sale soon. As soon as I can catch him.

P.S. I did a victory dance when my six line went carpet surfing! :D

Ray, I have two cleaner shrimps but I really don't mind if they get pick on since the shrimps steal food from my LPS too much. LMK when you catch him. I will try to catch my 6-line wrasse out in the meantime.
If you remove the 6line... definitely a Mystery Wrasse. I loved mine until my clown bullied it out of the tank and onto the floor one day :mad:. She's in the sump now... so probably going to get another one from Aquaman Imports.

Like others when my 6line finally got out a couple years ago I also did a dance of joy :D Was completely mellow for the first year I had him, then went on a killing spree for anything that was a shrimp or any new comer to the tank.

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