New Member Introduction


Attended the BRASS show and decided I needed to join this organization. My son and I have been bringing our 150 gallon aquarium along for the past 8 years. Our learning curve is fading and we need to have a resource to help us along in the future. We have more questions than answers and will enjoy spending time here exchanging ideas and learning more about this hobby.
Glad you made it.

Our tank is 150 gallons and has an additional 65 gallon sump below. We have a few fish, Tang, pair of Cardinals, 3 clownfish, a Flame Angel. Lots of live rock with a deep sand bed and a deeper sand bed in the sump along with the protein skimmer. We have an exterior pump and no other mechanical filtration. Just the protein skimmer. We have three 250W Halides with 2 six foot actinic tubes. We seemed to have a large amount of Blue Mushrooms we are going to have to harvest so we can start to place other corals into the tank. We use a spectra pure filtration system for water and try and do water changes twice a month. We recently tried a CopperBanded Butterfly, which lasted about three weeks and died. All our other fish have been in the tank for years with no issues. Our biggest goal right now is to try and get better at daily maintenance in and around the rock and sand bed and to bring in a greater variety of corals and maybe another 6 or so fish which would do well with what we now have. I am always very nervous about introducing new fish to then watch them destroy something that has been there for years or have it go the other way around. So we need to research the fish to see what will do well. I do like the clams that I see, but we want to get the tank maintenance better before going there. All our water levels seem fine
calcium 400
alkalinity dkh 8.5
salinity 1.028
temp 80
ph 8.16
magnesium 1300
phosphate 0
ammonia 0
silica .2
nitrate .2
nitrite .2
strontium 8
Use Tropic Marin salt

Tried 2 Pink Anthias in June both died
Tried Mandarin in June which disapperad (must have died)
Added Pink Montipora Capricornis Red/Orange Coral doing fine
Welcome to the club. Not sure, but I think I might have met you. Were you there looking around for a few minutes friday night as well?
Seems like the fish you have lost can be delicate and picky in their needs. The Copperband is and can be tricky, especially if it's come in sick already and/or, being incredibly picky eater. The Anthias need to eat, alot and frequently, and like other Anthias to school with. The mandrin most likely starved from a lack of food, eating all the live copepods in your tank...the very lucky hobbyist has one that eats prepared foods. But, the tank seems pretty established, so possibly the mandrin had other issues.
Kinda weird that your actually showing 0.2 for nitrite in a established tank. Although, IME, I only use that test during cycling and don't test for either nitrate and nitrite in general.
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Upcoming Events

June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
