Speaking of skimmers..Reef Devil Deluxe for a 180?


My LFS is suggesting a Reef Devil deluxe rated at 200-220 gal with a mag 7. I have a Mag 9.5 so would use that...question is...would this skimmer be able to handle the load of a 180 mixed reef with a 30 gal sump. The price is good.
That's a very small skimmer for a 180G. OK for say maybe a 75, but no way for a 180 IMO/IME.
I agree... too small. My skimmer is rated for up to 150 gallons and my tank is a 58 gallon mixed reef with about 20 gallons of water in the sump. It does the job nicely, but if I had the room, I would have gone even bigger. You can never have too much skimmer.
Also the reef devil is much more over rated than most skimmers. It's a perfectly good little skimmer, but rating it at "up to 220G" is a complete joke.
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